The cyclical nature of things; progress + products


I'm still struggling to come up with a concept but I think my favorite so far is the cycle of night and day. 

So to summarize that in one word- Time. 

Here are my final images for the word "time" 


  1. The middle one has a strong concept. I think the gradient from a day sky to a night sky sounds magnificent! I hope you make a version of that for your final!

  2. These ideas seem to be very interesting and a good place to start. I love your whole idea of using yellow for this project and for your other projects you mentioned.

  3. The cycle of night and day is such a good idea! Can't wait to see how you apply it. Something that might help is that even if you are struggling with an idea just starting the process might give you some ideas even if you change your mind in the middle of your process. As Ed always says embrace the accident.

  4. I think night and day will work really well together and could make a great piece.

  5. I agree with Izzy that your middle thumbnail has the strongest concept and layout. Love that you're already thinking about color relationships. Can't wait to see this put together!

  6. The middle is definitely strongest to me, and I totally understand feeling stuck (I do too), maybe just trying out all of the concepts could help you see the direction you want to take?

  7. I think that time is a really great idea and you can do so much with that. Including a more literal symbol like a clock (you could draw a really cool clock and scan it in, like the Salvador Dali clocks) could be interesting. Maybe taking a more existential approach to it could be very interesting, with a feeling of being lost or confused. The song Time by Pink Floyd could also give you some inspiration.


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